Welcome to our site the official home of Barton Park Giant Trees Arboretum

During the Covid lockdown many of the members have been working to save trees from the drought and more recently flooding, to plant many more.

A Huge thank you to Bob, Des, Mark, Brian, Peter,Helen,Iain, John and others who have the area looking as good as it ever has.


Have added this 2009 radio Australia Interview as a point of reference to show how much we have achieved at the Arboretum.

17 january giant trees.mp3

 BPGTA Inc. Is a Botanic Ark being created on a 40 plus acre site along the east side of Lake Wallace Wallerawang NSW Australia.

Barton Park was one of the first farms settled to the west of the Great Dividing Range and is perhaps best known for the visit of Charles Darwin who studied Platypus in the Cox's river (now Lake Wallace) which ran through the property.

The Arboretum is divided into three major collections, Endemic trees, Rare and Endangered Australian Trees and Giant Trees of the World.

Our climate allows the planting of many of the worlds greatest giants and longest lived species, from the Sequoiadendron gigantium to the Eucalyptus regnans and most things in between.

The park opened to the public for recreation and educational use in 2015 as a one - off event and will open on 4 weekends in 2016.

All work and planting is funded by Donations and Grants.


 Finding Lake Wallace on the Satallite or map is a little difficult, find what looks like a large 4 in the pine forest, to the north west is the Lake. Most of the East side land is the Arboretum.


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