Just adding the 2BL 702 interview.

Giant Trees on 702.mp3


Hi all we have now had our first opening to the public and it was a great success! I will do a thank you to the most involved people tomorrow but just wanted to cover a couple of house keeping things form the opening.

To cover the tree lists queries, there were a few trees not labelled correctly, that's not to say we don't know what every plant is WE DO! This was because we had new tree numbers prepared by John and didn't get enough time to get them on to the trees. Also as I said at the time there are about 4 trees which didn't live and were replaced and there fore may not be the correct tree in the list. We will fix this, it was not an over site or lack of knowledge we just ran out of time.

Also to the loss of trees, we have a success rate of over 95% most people would be delighted with this. The 5% losses come from not being able to water enough or weed enough and from planting things which we doubted would succeed because they were donated or were icons which we just had to try. Sure this sees some losses but without trying who would ever have thought we could have grown Queensland Kauri so successfully?

We are working hard but need more help, thanks to the many people who have offered to become involved.

 The First Public opening of Barton Park Giant Trees Arboretum will take place on the 28th November 2015.

The opening is being billed 

"A visit to the Giants, a work in progress"

All members are asked to be available to assist on the day and in the large amount of work leading up to the event when possible. Huge amounts of work has already been completed with our workers from far and wide lending a hand.

 Members of Lithgow Garden Club working hard on the entrance garden.

 Our two Members from Boston (USA) Peter Watchorn and Greg Miller also got to work when they recently visited Australia. 

Pictured with the Watchorn family tree and Mark Watchorn.

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