About Us

Barton Park Giant Trees Arboretum Inc. was proposed and founded By Mark Watchorn and Bruce Ryan in 2007. Both tree lovers from very early ages, they were prompted into action after sitting under a Sequoiadendron gigantium in the Botanic Gardens in Queenstown New Zealand.
Returning to Australia with the grand Arboretum idea they started to look for appropriate sites in and around their homes at Lithgow. Several sites were considered but all fell short of the projected needs.
Approaching the local electricity producer Delta Electricity  was the next step and after only a few minutes on the Arboretum current site the proposal was being formulated.
Delta, now Energy Australia, have been a driving force behind the project and have long term leased the site to the Incorporated Committee.BPGTA Inc.
 President is John Zeni and Peter Drinkall is Vice President.
Bruce Ryan is Currently Secretary and Mark Watchorn Treasurer / Giant Trees Co-Ordinator.

This Google photo shows the Arboretum from the air

Above is the Barton Park house on the Cox's River prior to the creation of Lake Wallace, Below is the site barn which is thought to have been the orriginal house of the property "Wallerowang". 

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