BPGTA Inc Have at present seven Patrons The Honorable Bob Debus past Federal Member for Macqurie, The Honorable Gerard Martin Past NSW Member for Bathurst The Honorable Paul Toole NSW Member for Bathurst and The Honorable Neville Castle Lithgow City Mayor. Federal Member for Calare The Honorable John Cobb and Actor John Waters.

Above : Member for Bathurst Paul Toole planting his Patron tree on the 26th of October 2011.

Below: Paul joined by Katoomba High school Principal Ms Gail Ross and the KHS Captains and  Vice Captains Mrs Ros Dean From Lithgow High school with LHS Captains and Vice Captains and Principal Andrew Foy.

Bob Debus Plants his Sequoiadendron gigantium in the Patrons Grove, Gerard Martin aided in his planting by Bob Debus and third Mayor Neville Castle planting his Patron with Committee Member Caroline Fowler. 

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